Friday 9 August 2013

Quit Smoking Now

Easy, Safe & Effective. In Sliema Malta

Just want to find a method that works and be free of smoking for life?
The Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes session enables you to stop smoking for good without willpower, struggle, drugs or weight gain, even if you have smoked for decades and have tried many other methods to quit.
Lifetime Guarantee
And because of our high success rate we can provide you with a Lifetime Guarantee.

To Work Out How Much You're Spending on Cigarettes Click on this Link

How Much Am I Spending On Cigarettes ???
"I am so grateful I came to see you. I'm now a very happy non smoker. I no longer have smoking controlling my life and I feel my health is on the improve everyday. I have so much more energy and smell wonderful! It was a great experience in every way. I feel so excited about my new life as a non-smoker and will never smoke a cigarette again!" - Sarah H

This system is highly effective because it addresses the main cause of why you smoke which is the mental habit. This is why the other methods of quitting smoking - will power, nicotine patches, drugs - don't work for most people. This approach removes your mental habit and desire for smoking which means you are now free from smoking for good.

You become a Non-smoker and NOT an ex-smoker who still wants to smoke.

Because your habits are run by your unconscious mind the powerful combination of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming - habit changing psychology) and Hypnosis is used. The session is specifically tailored to your smoking habit, all within a private, one-to-one consultation session with a caring, certified quit smoking specialist.

The session is very easy for you. The first part of the session enables you to free yourself from any unhelpful thinking habits that keep you stuck in the cycle of smoking. You'll also gain stress management, self empowerment and motivation skills so you can break free of any unwanted habit. Your individual smoking triggers are also addressed as well as other factors regarding the mental habit. This enables you to clearly see how you can quit smoking for good this time.

The second part of the session uses Hypnosis to enable you to replace your old smoking habits with new habits of thinking and behaving as a Non-smoker. Hypnosis allows you to work with your unconscious mind which is where your habits are stored. You get right to the real cause of smoking. Hypnosis is a relaxed state where you are still awake, aware and in-control. This state gives you much greater power to make the changes you want to make.

~Special Offer For Bookings 
 Made Before30th May 2014
Normally €145
Only €47~

New Scientist magazine reported research by scientists at Iowa University who analysed the results of 600 studies of nearly 72,000 people in Europe and the USA who had used different methods to quit smoking. They found that hypnosis is consistently the most successful way to become a non-smoker.

And because the Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes system is designed specifically for quitting smoking AND is a combination of the latest in NLP AND quit smoking Hypnosis, this system has the highest success rate compared to other methods of quitting smoking.

The results speak for themselves!
Read what our clients have to say ...
"I had smoked for about 20 years and tried to quit with patches and drugs but these didn't work. I was a bit sceptical at first of being able to quit in 1 hour but decided to give it a try. The session was easy and actually enjoyable. I have not smoked since and had no withdrawal or cravings. It has worked for me." - Brent H

"I’m glad I used the Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes system to become a non-smoker because I feel like I have control over my life. The session was amazing. Here’s to being a non-smoker!” - Amanda C

We are located in Sliema, Malta 

For your free, no obligation phone consultation simply phone us on
999 22561
You’ll have all your questions answered and we’ll see whether this method is the right one for you. Phone us on

The session fee to Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes is explained here Session Fee

“Thank you so much. No cravings just nothing it is amazing. I will tell all my friends and family about your session. I wanted to give up smoking and become healthy and happy and there was no need for tablets etc. It’s just one treatment, 1 hour out of your life to make a change for the better” Craig B

“I am doing amazingly well despite some stressful situations. I thought the session was fantastic. I am constantly amazed. I feel like I am a non-smoker. Thank you so much” Deanne B

“I really feel I have finally quit smoking for good. I feel like I’m ready to live a long and healthy, happy life. I’m ready for a new chapter in life” Luka K

“I found the session great as it answered a lot of my concerns about not smoking and the choices I make and given me the tools to deal with them. I know I can be a non smoker without being stressed and anxious and enjoy what I make of my life” Vanessa T

“I finally feel free from the confines of being a smoker and know how it feels to not have the desire anymore. I haven’t had any cravings and haven’t been tempted at all to have a cigarette. I feel like I never smoked and am looking forward to spending the rest of my life that way.  Thanks for all your help” J

~Special Offer For In Person Bookings 
 Made Before 30th May 2014
Normally €145
Only €47~
Phone for your free, no obligation phone consultation
Have all your questions answered and see whether this method is right for you

NOT ABLE TO MAKE A 1 on 1 appointment why not download the Stop Smoking Now Hypnotherapy Recording

Stop Smoking with Self Hypnosis using this professionally-recorded hypnosis MP3 download from  Stop smoking today with hypnosis
Smoking is a powerful addiction which, once formed, can be difficult to break without help.

Smoking is also habitual as you'll have discovered if you find that you regularly smoke in certain situations, for example, whilst driving, after a meal, whilst writing a letter or telephoning a friend or socializing with friends.

Download this Stopping Smoking Recording to break those associations in your mind of smoking addiction, and become a non-smoker from today

Normally Retails For 19.99
Special Offer  €9

Click on the links below to find out what else hypnotherapy can help you with

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