Concerned About Weight Gain?

Have you ever seen smoked meat at the super market? You know, that smoked meat that sits on the counter waiting to be bought? How much water do you think is in that meat? Right, not much at all.

Well, what do you think happens to your body when you smoke? It is a known fact that smoking causes dehydration. If look at someone who has smoked for 50 or 60 years compared with someone who hasn’t, their skin quality is completely different most of the time.

When you become a non-smoker, your body is going to naturally want to re-hydrate the cells that have dehydrated over the years. What this means is that you could gain anywhere from 1 - 2 kgs of water.

Now this is not fat, it is water retention. It is simply the process of your body becoming denser – having each cell weigh slightly more because it is re-hydrated.

It is better to be 1 - 2 kgs heavier and a non-smoker, than 1 - 2 kgs lighter and a smoker. Remember, this is water that your body needs anyway. Which would you rather be?

Some people worry that they are going to crave sweets when they become a non-smoker. If this happens it is because, depending on what cigarette you smoke, each cigarette contains between 8 - 18% sugar!

When tobacco is ‘cured,’ it is soaked in sugar water and then dehydrated. This is why some people’s hands shake when they go without a cigarette for a while. It’s called hypoglycemia, and shaking hands is one of the first symptoms of having low blood sugar.

Now I can’t tell you what to eat, but if I were going to find another source for sugar I would favour fruit. The natural sugars in fruit will counteract any cravings you may have for the lack of sugar from cigarettes.

Finally, let me say this: In the event that you do gain more than 1 -2 kgs, I can almost guarantee it is because you are not making healthy food choices. It is because you have been eating unhealthy food to curb the sugar cravings. 

If you had tried to quit smoking using will power alone, that happens using only your conscious mind. But the Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes system gets your unconscious mind on your side and you will gain healthy habits in the place of cigarettes and over eating.

Smoking cigarettes is a powerful habit and often, without changing your unconscious mind, it will want to substitute another habit of the hand going up to the mouth.

This system will help you transfer the satisfaction that you used to get from cigarettes to something more beneficial. So it's maybe, exercise, drinking more water, taking a deep breath.  By doing that it avoids the possibility of putting on weight.

Most people gain weight because they have a powerful habit of smoking and when they eliminate the habit of smoking they put eating in place as a new habit. And if you eat more, you will gain weight. The Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes system will enable you to find new healthy habits. Habits that will support you and your health, and not work against you.

Quit Smoking
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NOT ABLE TO MAKE A 1 on 1 appointment why not download the Stop Smoking Now Hypnotherapy Recording

Stop Smoking with Self Hypnosis using this professionally-recorded hypnosis MP3 download from  Stop smoking today with hypnosis
Smoking is a powerful addiction which, once formed, can be difficult to break without help.

Smoking is also habitual as you'll have discovered if you find that you regularly smoke in certain situations, for example, whilst driving, after a meal, whilst writing a letter or telephoning a friend or socializing with friends.

Download this Stopping Smoking Recording to break those associations in your mind of smoking addiction, and become a non-smoker from today

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