So Does It Work?

Hypnosis was approved as a therapeutic practice by the American Medical Association in 1958 and by the British Medical Association in 1955. In Great Britain, hypnosis is part of the national health care system.

The AMA (Australian Medical Association) has made several statements regarding hypnotherapy that include:
“We have seen the evolution of the acceptance of modalities such as hypnosis through clinical research”
“Research indicates that many GP's in Australia have accepted therapies such as hypnosis as potentially beneficial.  Over 80% of the GPs surveyed had referred patients for a complementary therapy”

New Scientist magazine reported research by scientists at Iowa University who analysed the results of 600 studies of nearly 72,000 people in Europe and the USA who had used different methods to quit smoking. They found that hypnosis is consistently the most successful way to become a non-smoker.

There have been many celebrities who have used hypnosis to quit smoking. Matt Damon quit smoking using hypnosis. He said afterwards: "It’s amazing I didn’t even want cigarettes any more" and told America on Jay Leno's show “I should have done it years ago. It's the greatest decision I've ever made.”

Ben Affleck smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years, until impending fatherhood prompted him to quit. Drew Barrymore managed to kick a two to three pack a day habit that she'd had since her teens with the help of hypnosis.

Watch the video below of how these celebrities quit smoking with hypnosis.

<Video – Matt Damon & Ben Affleck>

Ellen DeGeneres spoke on her TV show about how she quit with hypnosis. Ellen was so grateful that she told him: "You’ve helped me tremendously and probably saved my life. Definitely changed my life."

One Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes client said:

“I had smoked for about 20 years and tried to quit with patches and drugs but these didn't work. I was a bit sceptical at first of being able to quit in 1 hour but decided to give it a try. The session was easy and actually enjoyable. It has been 12 months now and I have not smoked since and had no withdrawal or cravings. It has worked for me" - Brent H

So hypnosis works and the Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes system takes success rates to an even higher level with the combination of NLP and Advanced Hypnosis.

This is why we can provide a Lifetime Guarantee. If we didn’t achieve high success rates we would not be able to do this. The Lifetime Guarantee means that if you were to start smoking again at anytime in the future for whatever reason, you can have another session at no charge. We are here to ensure you quit smoking and stay a non-smoker for good.

Read on Why use the Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes system to Quit?
NORMALLY €195 ~ ONLY €47
Quit Smoking
Phone for your free, no obligation phone consultation

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Smoking is a powerful addiction which, once formed, can be difficult to break without help.

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