Cost Of Smoking

How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?  
For a smoker who smokes 1 pack a day the cost of smoking is around €400 a month which is around €5,000 a year. That’s every year. How many years have you smoked for? Likely a large number.  So smoking has cost you many 10’s of thousands of dollars and continues to cost you many €1000's of  per year, every year.

To see exactly how much your smoking habit costs you, fill in the values below and press the 'calculate' button

And this financial cost is not even the BIG cost.  The big cost is the cost of your health … and statistically speaking, the cost of your LIFE. How much value do you put on your life?  You can’t.  It’s priceless.

This is why our clients are happy with the investment they make to Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes. The investment is the same amount the average smoker spends on cigarettes in only 2 weeks of smoking. 
The investment to Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes is only €195 (see discount below) which includes your Lifetime Guarantee.
All you need to do is take the money you would have spent on smoking anyway and use it to Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes.
  As soon as you stop smoking you will be saving this amount every month for the rest of your life.  For the typical smoker this is like getting a pay rise of €6,500 a year.

TIME LIMITED DISCOUNT - Book your quit smoking session now and receive a €50 discount off the full price of the session! Discount only available for a limited time. Simply request this discount when you book your session. 
Enter below the session fee and how much you spend on smoking each week to see how quickly the session fee is repaid once you Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes.

You will then be saving the below amounts every year! (click 'calculate')

  only €47 normally €195

Phone for your free, no obligation phone consultation

Have all your questions answered and see whether this method is right for you
00 356 999 22561 

NOT ABLE TO MAKE A 1 on 1 appointment why not download the Stop Smoking Now Hypnotherapy Recording

Stop Smoking with Self Hypnosis using this professionally-recorded hypnosis MP3 download from  Stop smoking today with hypnosis
Smoking is a powerful addiction which, once formed, can be difficult to break without help.

Smoking is also habitual as you'll have discovered if you find that you regularly smoke in certain situations, for example, whilst driving, after a meal, whilst writing a letter or telephoning a friend or socializing with friends.

Download this Stopping Smoking Recording to break those associations in your mind of smoking addiction, and become a non-smoker from today

Normally Retails For 19.99
Special Offer  Just €9

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