Client Comments

Many of our clients are very gracious in providing us feedback on how their experience of the session and becoming a non-smoker was. Below is a sample of some of the comments we have received from our clients. 

Client Comments
“I had smoked for about 20 years and tried to quit with patches and drugs but these didn't work. I was a bit sceptical at first of being able to quit in 1 hour but decided to give it a try. The session was easy and actually enjoyable. I have not smoked since and had no withdrawal or cravings. It has worked for me."
- Brent H

“I feel like I have control over my life. The session was amazing. Here’s to being a non-smoker!”
- Amanda C

“This session helped me to become a non-smoker and the 60 minutes was enough to quit smoking”
- Sudip P

“After such a short session I am a non-smoker and really believe that I will be for the remainder of my life. It is a very easy method to quit smoking if you want to become a non-smoker. Thank you so much for your assistance, I still cannot believe how easy it has been for me”
- Deborah A

“I struggled for years trying other methods with no success. Prior to hypno session I was nervous with negative and positive feelings. Steve made me feel comfortable & calm. Very informative and I am now free from cigarettes. I feel like a new person."
- Nick H

 "I needed to make the change and this was the thing that could make it happen for me, where as all other things had failed. I am totally calm on the inside and am not experiencing any of the usual inner havoc that had always happened on previous quit attempts. I am very proud and am looking forward to a long healthy life! The session was easy and I am very happy with the overall process. I have been trying to explain to people how easy it was - but of course like me - they can only quit when they are ready. But at least they know that it is just as easy as making an appointment with you"
- Chaille B

“I am a non-smoker. There isn’t a part of me which needs a cigarette. I am free and nothing can stop me. The best part about the session is that I made the decision to quit myself, I was only guided to make the decision and now I know I have quit forever”
- Simon M

“I’m glad I used the Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes system to become a non-smoker because I feel good about not needing to smoke again”
- Ben S

 “It has allowed me to be the decision maker again without the influence of smoking. I have to tell you I am amazed, no smoking since I walked out of your office. After 23 years off smoking to just stop like that is a credit to you. Thank you. ”
- Terry I

“I feel happy to be a non-smoker. No more smells, bad taste and breath. My lungs feel clearer. I feel good!”
-Kim M

“It helps me to have a longer, happier life. Very easy to accept that my days of being unfit are over”
-Arch B

“For me it was a vital step to stop smoking for good. To ensure future health, vitality and to see my daughter grow up” – Alistair B

“I feel very relaxed knowing that smokes are a thing of the past. Now I can show off to friends etc that I do not need smokes in my life and can start feeling good about myself” – Sharon G

“Best thing I’ve ever done now being a non-smoker” – Greg M

 “The session was very relaxing and positive. I found myself becoming a non-smoker without any inner resistance and walk away a new person” – Craig N

“For so long it has controlled me but now I control it.  It was immediate. I am now very much a non-smoker who is going to breathe fresh air for the rest of my life. I always knew that there must be a way to flick the switch and you did that. Thank you so much for giving me my life back!” - Tony D
“Learned a lot about smoking and not smoking.  I am now a non-smoker. Very relaxed. The session was very interesting and worth it.” Rob B

“Thank you so much. No cravings just nothing it is amazing. I will tell all my friends and family about your session. I wanted to give up smoking and become healthy and happy and there was no need for tablets etc. It’s just one treatment, 1 hour out of your life to make a change for the better” Craig B

“I am doing amazingly well despite some stressful situations. I thought the session was fantastic. I am constantly amazed. I feel like I am a non-smoker. Thank you so much” Deanne B

“I really feel I have finally quit smoking for good. I feel like I’m ready to live a long and healthy, happy life. I’m ready for a new chapter in life” Luka K

“I found the session great as it answered a lot of my concerns about not smoking and the choices I make and given me the tools to deal with them. I know I can be a non smoker without being stressed and anxious and enjoy what I make of my life” Vanessa T

“I finally feel free from the confines of being a smoker and know how it feels to not have the desire anymore. I haven't had any cravings and haven't been tempted at all to have a cigarette. I feel like I never smoked and am looking forward to spending the rest of my life that way.  Thanks for all your help” Jody G

“I have always wanted to quit. It showed me how to reduce stress and relax. The session was calming which is something I don’t often feel. It has shown me a way to live a more healthy life. It made me realise the stress smoking added to my life rather than relieve it. I can spend more time with my children. Overall, the session was amazing. While I was very eager to quit, I have to admit I wasn't entirely convinced it would work. But when I walked out of the session I knew I could beat it. Can't explain how. I just knew.” – Steven W

“It helped me realise how in control smoking was, when really I am the one in control. I was very comfortable with Steve and the session. I have been blown away. I haven’t smoked or even wanted to. I have told a lot of my friends, and work colleagues about it too. I am a lot happier and want to thank you so much. I would recommend you to any one without hesitation. Thanks so much for helping me become the non smoker I wanted to be!!” – Claire M

“Thank you, I can't believe after all the years I have been smoking I can finally say I am a non smoker and feel so much better for it. I never thought I could or would ever give up the cigarettes. I can't believe how different I feel. My husband even said I sounded different. My husband’s work mate, (another sceptic!) was so impressed when he saw the difference in me he said he was going to ring & book a session. (He even lit a cigarette to test me & smoked it in front of me to see what my reaction would be - nothing!!! - told him it was a dirty, discussing, filthy habit & it’s not bothering me). I have been out all day with my daughter, walking around the shops, a huge difference in my breathing, I didn't get out of breath & no aches & pains.” Gaye Q

“I think that the session we had was one of the most valuable I have had in my entire life. I have also passed many of the traps of smoking without incident. I have experienced only the smallest incidents of cravings and have easily dismissed them as I am a non smoker. I will be eternally grateful and you have an advocate for life.” Peter A

“Things are going great! I am a very happy non smoker and am so grateful that I came to see you. I no longer have the habit of smoking controlling my life and I feel my health is on the improve everyday. I have so much more energy and smell wonderful!! It was a great experience in every way. I feel so excited about my new life as a non smoker and will never smoke a cigarette again. Only fresh air for me!” Helen P

“I just wanted to thank you. I have been a non-smoker without the slightest occurrence of cravings. I have tried many different methods of giving up in the past with your method by far the easiest I have tried. I would strongly recommend you to anyone think of giving up. Once again thank you for helping me become a non smoker” Paul S
“I need to be healthy to play with my grandchildren when they come. I can avoid a heart attack. I can walk and hike. I can achieve anything in life” – Tempest H

“I’m glad I used the Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes system to become a non-smoker because I feel confident that I am a non-smoker. I am also excited about living a healthier lifestyle”
- Margaret S

“I now feel free to enjoy my spare time at my leisure without the lure of smoking and time wasted doing this meaningless habit. I'm enjoying better concentration without the distraction of cigarettes.”
- Percy D

“I'm glad I used the Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes system to become a non-smoker as I feel happy and positive about myself now."
- Gale C

“It makes me feel good about myself for health and family as I don’t smoke any more”
- Warren M

“Very pleasant experience of shutting off a nasty habit. It certainly made me feel very relaxed. Awoke all the negatives and harm that smoking does. I feel very strong that I will never smoke again after this session.” - Paul M

“I tried twice before with other methods and returned to smoking. This 60 minutes was very relaxing easy going and learnt a lot about the min. I do know I will be a non-smoker for the rest of my life” - Tommy H

“I am confident it will work. I feel positive about the future. Steve was easy to relate to and I felt relaxed and confident from the beginning of the session. Good lead up into hypnosis. Lots of groundwork done, not just straight into it.” - Vicki S

“It was a simple & easy solution to control my thought pattern around smoking. I also believe it was a good choice to visit here and stop smoking” Scott M

“Now I can feel fit and healthy for the rest of my life. Breathe fresh air for the rest of my life! Save money! After having the session, I see things more clearly, feel I have more energy and feel excited about the future. It all looks positive from here” Rica L

“ I will feel better for the rest of my life and I feel good already. Knowing I can save money in future for healthy ways. Breathing fresh air for good. Now from here positive for life” Greg W

“I feel as though I have never smoked, except for the taste still in my mouth. I could not have done this on my own. I am glad at the positive and future outlooks I now have in my mind” Greg B

“I have never felt so positive that I am now a non smoker and know I will always be one. The session was so simple and relaxing. I feel I can do anything now I choose in life” Pam D

“Very good session. Very simple tools to change your bad habits and change your life” Eric L

“Their ways of helping you to quit works. It’s simple yet very effective and I feel great.” Remy

“It was very well constructed and delivered and also enjoyable. It worked too!” Andrew H

“I believe it gives me the assistance I need to take control. The session gives you the feeling of not being alone in the quitting process” Arron F

“It was simple, logical and a positive experience. It has been successful” Travis M

“I am now free from smokes and can do whatever I want. I am positive this session has worked well for me. The session was really good and thorough and went quickly” Hazel K

“Being a non-smoker is starting my life again. No more hiding outside, no more feeling awful, no more waking up feeling wrong & unhealthy. New start. In control” – Sean M

“I became aware of the reasons I used to justify smoking and realised that those reasons were not real. I felt an instant overwhelming feeling of freedom during the session” Mark H

“I’m glad I used the Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes system to become a non-smoker because of my health. Needed to break the habit and that is all it was, a habit. Breathe easy, get healthy again, no coughing half way through the night. No smell of smoke on me any more. People around me will be happier” Ian K

“Everything was explained clearly. Great surrounds. Easy and relaxed which was conveyed in my session. Positive enforcement. All is going well. I am really surprised, I am managing very well. Have taken up bike riding and walking etc.” Malcolm M

“It has given me the confidence to know that I will never smoke again. I look forward to a longer life with my family” Monica R

“It was interesting, glad to do it and amazed at how I feel at present as a non-smoker. I have a feeling now as a changed person” Barry A

“It was worth my while. Opened my mind to what I was doing in the past with my life” Rob C

“I will have a better life for a whole lot longer and I am glad for that.” Jon B

“It now makes me successful, healthy, fit and full of life” Eddie R

“It lets me know that I have the will power to stop the things that I want to stop” Alex B
“I feel relaxed and positive about my future and that I am in control” Shannon D

“I was ready, motivated and it was just time! I don’t smoke!” Sean R

“I’ve tried before and haven’t got rid of the habit and feel this has given me the tools to do so. I feel great and do not want a cigarette. It has been so much easier than I thought and I haven't touched one and never will!” Jess G

“Insight into the mind’s reasoning to be a smoker. Explanation of the flaws in thoughts of smoking” Ben S

“Thank you so much for your help. The best thing I ever did. It has helped me understand why I couldn’t give up smoking in the past. It has changed my outlook on life as a non smoker. I am now aware of all the great possibilities I have for my future as a non-smoker. People smoke around me and it doesn’t bother me. I can feel the benefits it has given me. I’m happy being a non smoker. I have more time on my hands now. I still go outside for a break, but the air is much nicer to breath. My kids are so proud of me. Hypnosis is definitely the way to go - pain free, which has been wonderful. I have recommended you to my friends” Kaaraka S

“It was a positive experience. I felt extremely relaxed and the positive messages were so deep in my mind that I knew this would work. I am a non-smoker now and will be always” Katie

“I found this a brilliant session and more than I expected. Ever so relaxing & helped me see life in a different way. Highly recommend this method!” Glenda H

“Just the idea that I’m a non-smoker so I don’t have to react to situations” Ann D

“Now I am free from smoking I will no longer be burdened by smoking and all that it brings. I am confident that this method has worked and I will achieve my goals” Andrew S

“Immediately I felt more positive. Like I’ve got my life back at last. The session was very knowledgable and professional without being judgemental” Giselle K

Normally €195 only €47

Quit Smoking
Phone for your free, no obligation phone consultation
Have all your questions answered and see whether this method is right for you
00 356 999 22561 

NOT ABLE TO MAKE A 1 on 1 appointment why not download the Stop Smoking Now Hypnotherapy Recording

Stop Smoking with Self Hypnosis using this professionally-recorded hypnosis MP3 download from  Stop smoking today with hypnosis
Smoking is a powerful addiction which, once formed, can be difficult to break without help.

Smoking is also habitual as you'll have discovered if you find that you regularly smoke in certain situations, for example, whilst driving, after a meal, whilst writing a letter or telephoning a friend or socializing with friends.

Download this Stopping Smoking Recording to break those associations in your mind of smoking addiction, and become a non-smoker from today

Normally Retails For 19.99
Special Offer  Just €9

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