Benefits Of Quitting Smoking

What are the immediate and long term health benefits of quitting smoking?

Within 20 mins

·         Your blood pressure and pulse rate drop
·         Your body temperature in your hands and feet increases to normal and your circulation improves

Within 8 hours

·         The carbon monoxide level in your blood drops
·         The oxygen level in your blood increases to normal

Within 12 hours

·         Almost all the nicotine has been metabolised from your body

Within 24 hours

·         Your blood levels of carbon monoxide have dropped dramatically
·         Your lungs start to clean themselves
·         Your chance of having a heart attack due to smoking is already decreasing

Within 48 hours

·         Nicotine has been removed from your body
·         Your senses of taste and smell start to increase

Within 72 hours

·         Your bronchial tubes begin to relax and you can breathe easier
·         Your lung capacity also increases which means you can do physical activities easier

Within 3 months

·         Your lung cilia begin to recover and lung function improves

Within 1 year

·         Your risk of coronary heart disease is halved after one year compared to continuing smokers

Within 2 years

·         Your risk of heart attack is now the same as for a lifelong non-smoker

Within 10 years

·         Your risk of lung cancer is less than half that of a continuing smoker and continues to decline

Within 15 years

·         Your risk of coronary heart disease is the same as a non-smoker

So you can see that it is never too late to quit smoking. When you give your body the chance to heal itself by quitting smoking, your body can and will go about making significant health improvements both immediately and ongoing.

But your body can only heal itself to full health again if you quit smoking before any permanent and life threatening damage is done. And the risk you face is that once you find out that smoking has caused irreversible damage ... it is too late.

The basic fact is that ...

Whatever your current health situation is, the best and only time to quit is right now
Normally €195 ~ ONLY €47 
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Have all your questions answered and we will see whether this method is the right method for you
00356 999 2561 

NOT ABLE TO MAKE A 1 on 1 appointment why not download the Stop Smoking Now Hypnotherapy Recording

Stop Smoking with Self Hypnosis using this professionally-recorded hypnosis MP3 download from  Stop smoking today with hypnosis
Smoking is a powerful addiction which, once formed, can be difficult to break without help.

Smoking is also habitual as you'll have discovered if you find that you regularly smoke in certain situations, for example, whilst driving, after a meal, whilst writing a letter or telephoning a friend or socializing with friends.

Download this Stopping Smoking Recording to break those associations in your mind of smoking addiction, and become a non-smoker from today

Normally Retails For 19.99
Special Offer  Just €9

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