Hypnosis Facts

Let's clear up some common misconceptions of hypnosis:

1. “Don’t expect to feel Hypnotized”. Many people come to hypnosis thinking that there is something about trance which is markedly different from their “normal” state of consciousness. This is definitely not the case. Since trance is a normal, natural state, you will likely feel a feeling of familiarity, no matter how deep in trance you go. Don’t expect to feel hypnotized. Trance is not about feeling “zonked out” it is a normal natural state.

2. “Do expect to feel relaxed”. Hypnosis is a natural state where you feel increasing levels of relaxation.

3. “You ARE in control". During the trance induction, you need to know that you are in charge. For example, if I told you to stand up, and it was OK, you would, but if I told you to rob a bank you wouldn’t do that. Well it’s the same in hypnosis. You are in charge. You only accept the suggestions that are given that are consistent with your own internal values and beliefs and consistent with the change YOU want to occur. 

4 Another big misconception about hypnosis is some people think they will go to sleep. You will not fall asleep. You won’t be unconscious or zoned out. You will be completely aware of everything that is happening. You will remember what happens and you will be able to think.

A common example of a hypnotic state is driving. Have you ever been driving and then all of a sudden you “wake up"? You know you were wide awake and driving safely the whole time, but you do not remember it at all? You were in a trance like state.

Yet another common example is watching TV. Have you ever been so involved in a show that you didn’t hear someone talking to you or calling your name? This is a similar state to hypnosis.

One of the biggest misconceptions about hypnosis is that you can make somebody do what they don’t want to do. If that were the case, would hypnotists be doing things like stage shows and private sessions, or would hypnotists just be getting other people to give them all their money?

People see stage hypnotist shows and think that people are made to do things that they don’t want to do.

Obviously you can’t make people do what they don’t want to do. So what happens at a Hypnotist stage show? Because it does look like the Hypnotist is making people do things?

Well, first, why would anyone go see a hypnosis show? Because they want to laugh at people acting silly. The hypnotist then calls for volunteers to go up on stage. Who would volunteer to go on stage? Exhibitionists, that's who. People who like to be seen and make a scene and act differently.

Then the hypnotists does a series of tests to pick the people the hypnotist wants to work with.

The hypnotist is actually not looking to see who can be hypnotized because everyone can be hypnotized. He is looking for people who will do what they are told and are willing to do silly things.

Now that the hypnotist has all the perfect people up on stage who want to act silly, and who want to be seen and will do what they are told, the show can begin.

So he is not making them do what they don’t want to do. He is just giving them the freedom to do what they want to do. 

And that’s great because that’s exactly the same as what hypnotherapy does. Nothing is making you quit cigarettes against your will. You want to quit smoking. 

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